
speaktome 怎么回复好(speakchinese中文的意思)

发布:网友分享 2023-12-18 14:08:14 阅读次数


  1.It's my fault. 这是我的错。

  =My mistake.

  2.I take full responsibility.我负全部责任。

  【I take the blame.全怪我。】

  3.I didn‘t mean it.我不是故意的。

  【I didn't know how that could have happened.我万万没有想到会发生这样的事。】

  4.Who do you think you are?你以为你是谁啊?

  【You and who else? 你算老几?当你认为别人没有资格来批评你时,就可以用这句话来发泄心中的不满。】

  5.Don't push me too hard.别把我逼急了。

  =Don't push me too far.

  6.How dare you speak to me like that?!你竟敢这么和我说话?!

  【You are not supposed to talk to me in that tone of voice.你不该以这样的语调和我说话。 be supposed to = should "应该"】

  7.You know nothing about it.你不了解情况。

  【Don't you know anything? 你懂什么?】

  【What are you saying?你在说些什么?】