
the right one is the best(口语训练素材英语)

发布:网友分享 2023-12-20 17:17:32 阅读次数

  1.some people will hurt you


  Some people will put you down,有些人会瞧不起你。

  But keep your clean up,保持自信。

  Remember you are the best,记住你是最棒的。

  2.Life is too short,生活很短暂。

  and has no room for fury and worry没有时间浪费在害怕与忧虑之中。

  stop saying i can't停止说自己不行

  stop saying i'm afraid停止说我很害怕

  BE bold,大胆一点。

  I know you can do it,我知道你一定行的。

  3.I understand something,后来明白了一个道理。

  the right one is not to choose合适并不是你去追赶。

  is the one when you are tired当你累了

  you stop off,停下来。

  Hold your hand and work together,拉着一起走的人。