

发布:网友分享 2023-12-21 11:07:53 阅读次数

  Jingwei fills up the sea

  The god of sun has two daughters. They live in the heaven.

  One day, the little daughter goes boating on the Eastern Sea. When she is enjoying the beautiful scene of the sea, a big wave comes, and overturns her boat. She falls into the water and drowns later. Although she is dead, her spirit turns into a beautiful bird. The bird always cries: “ Jing wei, Jing wei.” So people call it Jingwei.

  Jingwei hates the Eastern sea very much, because it takes away her life. So she decides to take revenge on the Eastern sea. She carries little stones and twigs in her mouth and throws them into the sea every day. She wants to fill up the sea!

  The sea laughs and says: “ My little bird, don’t do this stupid thing anymore. You will never fill me up!”

  The bird says: “I will not give up even if it takes me one million years.”


  fill up 填满 daughter 女儿

  god of sun 太阳神

  live 住 heaven 天堂

  little girl 小女儿 eastern 东边的

  go boating 划船 enjoy 欣赏

  beautiful 美丽的 scene 景色

  wave 浪 overturn 打翻,掀翻

  fall into 掉入 drown 淹死

  later 一会,然后 although 虽然

  dead 死的 spirit 精神

  turn into 变成

  cry 喊,哭 (第三人称单数形式:cries)

  call 称呼,打电话 hate 恨,讨厌

  take away 带走 life 生命

  decide 决定

  take revenge on… 对…报复

  carry 背,带 throw 扔

  laugh 笑 stupid 愚蠢的

  thing 事情 anymore 再一次

  never 永不 give up 放弃

  even if 即使 million 一百万

  year 念

  take 花费(时间,金钱)

  注:take 的意思很多,大家要主意分辨哦!





  她掉进了水里然后淹死了。虽然她死了,她的精神变成了一只美丽的鸟。这只鸟总是喊着:“精卫,精卫。” 所以人们就叫它精卫鸟。

  精卫非常恨东海,因为它夺走了她的生命。所以她决定报复东海。每天,她嘴里衔着小石头和树枝并把它们扔到海里。 她想填平大海!

  大海嘲笑着说:“我的小鸟,不要再做这种愚蠢的事了。 你永远也填不平我的。“
