他准确找到了法国革命爆发的原因:残酷的阶级压迫!(frightful moral disorder, born of unspeakable suffering, intolerable oppression, and heartless indifference)。.难怪他西敏寺的墓碑上写道:“他是贫穷、受苦与被压迫人民的同情者。”
Monseigneur吃巧克力早餐必须被四个仆人伺候, Deep would have been the blot upon his escutcheon if his chocolate have been ignobly waited on by only three men; he must have died of two. 作者还用一页多的篇幅描写了Monseigneur以外的其他烂透了的上等人:Brazen ecclesiastic, of the worst world worldly; doctors who made great fortunes out of dainty remedies for imaginary disorders that never existed; charming grandmammas of sixty dressed and supped as at twenty.
第七章中法国贵族的奢华同第五章对法国平民饥饿状况的大段描写形成了鲜明的对比! 那可是几乎一整页对饥饿的描写,好像文学史上没有任何一部其他作品有这么大段的对饥饿的描写: ……Hunger was shred into atomies in every farthing porringer of husky chips of potato。
在第8章中,他又狠批了苛税。“Excessive signs of wanting made them poor, were not wanting; the tax for the state, for the church, for the lord, tax local and tax general. There was any village left unswallowed.”
Scarecrows同贵族上层的火山即将爆发式的冲突在爵爷马车撞死小孩后两段字字扎心的对话中一展无遗:“You people can not take care of yourselves and your children. One or the other of you is forever in the way. How do I know what injury you have done my horses?”“It is better for the poor little plaything to die so , than to live. It has died in a moment without pain. Could it have lived an hour as happily?”法国的爵爷比中国的黄世仁还可恶!当一个社会中两个阶级的生存状态有着这么大的差距之时,这个社会的统治者已经接受了历史对其无能的宣判!这个社会就需要一种翻天覆地的变革!
托克维尔的理论完美地解释了为什么中国封建社会有3000年之久。因为中国的皇权统治最严!一方面中国的分封制不像欧洲那样普遍,中国的封建社会甚至不应该叫做feudalism, 皇帝下面没有国王,没有城邦,地主完全被皇帝官员所控制。秦始皇之后,整个社会长期是大一统的社会,加之儒家思想对人的禁锢,因此,中国的皇权统治直到1911年才彻底退出历史舞台。
假设他处于Defarge太太这样人的悲惨的境遇,哪怕他有任何一种以下的感受,他就应该同样对长期骑在他头上作威作福的剥削者进行毫不留情的血腥报复!Madame Defarge's viciousness stems from the ruthlessness of Darnay's father and uncle. 这种革命群众对贵族的彻底清算不是没人性的嗜血的凶残,而是对统治阶级残酷剥削的回应,是对未来社会体制的警告,其根源在于犯罪者,不在于惩戒者, just as Lenin’s grim, often quoted wisecrack: to make an omelet you have to bread a few eggs.
- What we should most pray for was that our women might be barren and our race die out.
- 姐夫sobbed 12 times and died on her elder sister’s bosom;
- 姐姐被贵族taken for pleasure and diversion;had a high fever of the brain, 因折磨致死。
- 爸爸听到姐姐被侮辱的tidings后heart burst;
- 来营救姐姐并报仇的弟弟被贵族刺死。
All trodden down sentiment and passionate revenge. There is prodigious strength in sorrow and despair. “Tell wind and fire where to stop, not me.”
在我们50多岁人的眼里,Madame Defarge 是同《洪湖赤卫队》的韩英、《白毛女》的白毛女、《红灯记》中的李铁梅、《杜鹃山》中的柯香以及《红色娘子军》中的吴琼花一样的苦大仇深的坚定勇敢的革命妇女。受这些作品影响,我们从小对劳苦大众有一种根深蒂固的朴素的同情,对为富不仁的地主老财有一种根深蒂固的恨,这种价值观一直延续到社会主义初级阶段末端的今日。
作者通过描述70年前法国的那场轰轰烈烈的革命,实际是表明了对当前英国社会现状的担忧,他毕竟是英国作家,他是借古讽今,借法讽英。他希望英国统治阶级能以法国大革命历史经验为借鉴,给英国统治阶级敲响了警钟,他希望现在的英国不要像70年前的法国一样:在“deaf city and dumb age”的法国,“Every wind that blew over France shook the rags of the scarecrows in vain, for the birds, fine of sound and feather, took no warning”。
狄更斯也向以暴力对抗暴政的人民群众提出警告:别重蹈覆辙,在无情惩罚罪恶的贵族阶级的同时也不要盲目地杀害无辜的人们,致使革命成了毁灭一切的巨大灾难。 他认为:Sow the same seed of rapacious license and oppression over again, and it will surely yield the same fruit according to its kind.
狄更斯为人类未来开出的药方只有一个字:爱。By having Miss Pross triumph over Madame Defarge, Dickens indicates that love can conquer even the strongest hatred。Miss Pross, with the vigorous tenacity of love, always so much stronger than hate.
我相信在500年后,在核武器被多国掌握的情况下,这药方可能是世界的最终解决方案, 500年后,经过多次世界大战,人类已经普遍学会了和谐共处,用爱和等候解决矛盾,那时,联合国更强大,成员国都以仁爱为先,两个国家间再也不会发生俄乌这样的战争。
They were now making a general pretense of being asleep with no more definite purpose than to escape the hazard of originating any other kind of action. 此句把第二章中邮车乘客噤若寒蝉的心理概括出来了
A loud watch ticking a sonorous sermon under his flapped waistcoat, as though it pitted its gravity and longevity against the levity and evanescence of the brisk fire. 第四章的这句虽有卖弄词汇之嫌,但还是很好地表现出了Lorry银行经理的职业特点。
His cold white head mingled with her radiant hair, which warmed and lighted it as though it were the light of freedom shinning on him. 黄色青春的头发能让人联想到自由和光亮, 狄更斯的笔一定是上帝赐予的。
The florid countenance of Mr. Strayver might be daily seen, bursting out of the bed of wigs, like a great sunflower pushing its way at the sun from among a rank gardenful of flaring companions.
“I understand equally well , that a word from her father in any suitor’s favour, would outweigh herself and all the world. For which reason, I would not ask that word, to save my life. It is, that if Miss Manette should bring to you at any time,on her own part, such a confidence as I have ventured to lay before you, you will bear testimony to what I have said,and to your belief in it”.
A life-thirsting, cannibal-looking, bloody-minded juryman. As a jury of dogs empaneled to try the deer. 狄更斯的这段文字运用能力堪比写出《滕王阁序》的天才王勃。
Before their cells were quit of them, new occupants were appointed; before their blood ran into the blood spilled yesterday, the blood what was to mingle with theirs tomorrow was already set apart.(看看作者是如何描写一波一波的囚犯被处死这件事)。
1) 心理描写过多且唐突且冗长。
作者显然是想在第二章里继续像第一章一样构建神秘的inscrutable 气氛,总体上非常成功(黑夜浓雾、 惊恐的乘客和押车士兵、 对回信不解的信使Jerry Cruncher、以及Jerry幻想的对话)。因该小说是分30周连载完的小说,为了吸引读者,因此需要制造神秘气氛。但第三章开头的大篇幅的Lorry的内心描写是既唐突又多余且冗长,简直就是作者的疯话连篇,让读者不知所云(A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that……)。
2)Sydney Carton的设计很不现实,过于理想化,几近荒诞。
在学校时就乐于助人又有反叛精神: “Seesaw Carton did exercises for other boys and seldom did my own”. Careless, slovenly, debauched, Coarse deportment, disagreeable, idlest and most unpromising, amazing good jackal. Of good abilities and good emotions, incapable of their directed exercises. Self-flung away, masochistic。
他信奉:Of little worth as life is when we misuse it, it is worth that effort. It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known."
圣安东尼街区(Faubourg Saint-Antoine圣安东尼城郊大街)紧挨着巴士底狱广场,由于靠近塞纳河,有泊运木材的便利,这一带发展成为供应王室贵族精致木造家具的制造供应据点,日后更是发展成为巴黎市的手工业中心;法国大革命前后,则演变成为中下阶级劳工市民对统治者进行抗争的大本营。
第5区 又称“万神殿区”(quartier du Panthéon)、拉丁区,先贤寺、植物园、教堂、著名的巴黎大学坐落于此。法兰西 学院、还有理工、专科学院等各种类型的学校; 博物馆、纪念碑、书店,是属于巴黎顶尖 的文化、艺术、学术气息最浓厚的地区,别有特色的露天咖啡馆,让人垂涎的各国食物极多,漫步在有名的圣米歇尔大道、或圣热尔曼大道的游客如鲫。第6区 又称“卢森堡区”(Luxembourg)。位于塞纳-马恩省河南岸,商店、电影院、剧院等极多,广大的卢森堡公园亦在此区;法国学院、建筑学院、牙医、矿物等学院及众多的中小学校,法国上议院议政大楼是在卢森堡公园内,与第5区毗邻也多少感受到文化的气息。
On the morning of 14 July around 900 people formed outside the Bastille, primarily working-class members of the nearby faubourg Saint-Antoine,
10:00 am巴士底狱的狱长 de Launay let in two of their leaders to negotiate with him. the revolutionary representatives now wanted both the guns and the gunpowder in the Bastille to be handed over, but de Launay refused to do so unless he received authorization from his leadership in Versailles
Just as negotiations were about to recommence at around 1:30 pm, chaos broke out as the impatient and angry crowd stormed the outer courtyard of the Bastille, pushing toward the main gate. Confused firing broke out.
At around 3:30 pm, more mutinous royal forces arrived to reinforce the crowd, bringing with them trained infantry officers and several cannons. After discovering that their weapons were too light to damage the main walls of the fortress, the revolutionary crowd began to fire their cannons at the wooden gate of the Bastille.
De Launay could not withstand a long siege, and he was dissuaded by his officers from committing mass suicide by detonating his supplies of powder.
De Launay attempted to negotiate a surrender, In the midst of this attempt, the Bastille's drawbridge suddenly came down and the revolutionary crowd stormed in.
Stanislas-Marie Maillard was the first revolutionary to enter to the fortress,不是书中的酒馆老板Defarge。
De Launay was dragged outside into the streets and killed by the crowd, and three officers and three soldiers were killed during the course of the afternoon by the crowd.
参与攻打的群众中共有83人死亡,15人受伤;参与防御的114名士兵中只有1人死亡。The soldiers of the Swiss Salis-Samade Regiment, however, were not wearing their uniform coats and were mistaken for Bastille prisoners; they were left unharmed by the crowds
Between 1774 and 1789, the detentions included 54 people accused of robbery; 31 of involvement in the 1775 Famine Revolt; 11 detained for assault; 62 illegal editors, printers and writers – but relatively few detained over the grander affairs of state.
by Louis XVI's reign the average length of detention was only two months.
1775, Louis XVI's minister Malesherbes had authorized all prisoners to be given newspapers to read, and to be allowed to write and to correspond with their family and friends.
群众在荣军院,夺取了3万多支枪支之后,因为没有火药和子弹,便向巴士底进发 ,因为那里近日刚到了250桶火药。
7人中有一位是贵族家庭为保护家庭荣誉送来的“放荡罪”犯人,同性恋的Count Hubert de Solages。两位被认定为精神病患者,四位是伪造犯。
四位是伪造犯当即被释放,两位精神病人Whyte de Malleville and Auguste-Claude Tavernier,后来又都被囚禁在Charenton asylum。其中 Whyte de Malleville, 是一个白胡子老头,极像理想中的巴士底狱囚犯的模样,虽然是精神病,他就被人群欢呼着游街了。他应该是狄更斯设定的在此坐牢18年的医生的原型。
现在人们在巴士底广场为“七月革命”的烈士这里树立了“七月圆柱”。这是一座高 52 米的巨大青铜圆柱,柱顶立着金翅自由神像,势若凌空。他额上朗星闪烁,右手高举火炬,左手提一条被砸断的锁链,以显示自由战胜专制暴政。柱身分为 3 截,以象征“光荣的三天”,上边刻满烈士的英名,下面台基上的题词为:“献给在 1830 年 7 月难忘的三天(27~28~29)里为大众自由捐躯的法兰西公民。
7.Dr. Manette在伦敦的家的位置
House of St Barnabas on Soho Square was the blueprint for the imagined lodgings of Dr. Manette and Lucy in the novel. 其后面有条街就改名叫 Manette Street. The name "Soho" first appears in the 17th century. The name may possibly derive from a former hunting cry, 与潘石屹的Self Office Home Office 无关。
8.Darney 在伦敦受审的法庭
The Old Bailey in 1897
The Old Bailey, London's Central Criminal Court,also known as Justice Hall, , was named after the street in which it was located, next to Newgate Prison, in the western part of the City of London。The Old Bailey is also located about 200 yards northwest of St Paul's Cathedral.
9.Tellson Bank在伦敦的位置
狄更斯虚构的Tellson Bank位置在舰队街,离Temple Bar 很近。 这个位置原来的确是一间银行,而且是the third oldest bank in the world and is the oldest bank in the UK :Child & Co.
狄更斯描写的Tellson Bank.
10.仆人Gabelle被关押的Abbey Prison & 达内被关押的La force prison
Half the prison population of Paris, between 1,176 and 1,614 people被杀。受害者中有超过200个教士,及大约100名瑞士近卫队,许多政治犯和贵族,史称“The September Massacres.”
1)仆人被关押的Abbey Prison
为救老仆人,Darney 才冒险会的法国。这个仆人救被关押在巴黎的Abbey Prison。
Marat urged "good citizens to go to the Abbaye, to seize priests, and especially the officers of the Swiss guards and their accomplices and run a sword through them".
该监狱原址在 Boulevard Saint-Germain 133,位于Abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés.,圣日耳曼德佩修道院附进。离智叟和花神咖啡馆不远。
In three days, 216 men, and three women were massacred in the Abbey. A tribunal composed of twelve people started the interrogation. The prisoners were summarily judged and either freed or executed. [ the condemned was taken to a yard and was immediately killed by a waiting mob consisting of men, women, and children。
2)达内被关押的La force prison
达内被关押的监狱是La force prison,也是Carton替他赴死的地方。
该监狱原址位于现在的Historical Library of the City of Paris。